Representation Theory at the Crossroads of Modern Mathematics

in honor of Alexandre Kirillov.

Reims, May 29 - June 2, 2017

D. Leites, I. Shchepochkina. On classification of simple Lie superalgebras in characteristic 2.

A. Molev. Quantization of the shift of argument subalgebras.

A. Okounkov. Enumerative geometry and geometric representation theory.

M. Nazarov. Cherednik operators at infinity.

A.B. Sossinsky. Configuration spaces of planar linkages.

D. Millionschikov. Slow-growing Lie algebras.

A. Lachowska. Small quantum groups and diagonal coinvariants in type A.

P. Etingof. A counterexample to the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem.

E.B Vinberg. Non-abelian gradings of Lie algebras.

J. Bernstein. A remark on the Satake Isomorphism and Modified Langland's Dual group.

G. Olshanski. Quantization of harmonic analysis on U and applications.

D. Gurevich. Cayley-Hamilton Identity in quantum algebras.

Cérémonie Honris Causa Professeur Alexandre A. KIRILLOV