
Director of the French-Japanese Laboratory of Mathematics and its Interactions" (IRL2025 CNRS)

Editor of the Journal of Lie Theory

Editor of FJ-LMI Series of Lecture Notes of Mathematics at Springer-Nature.

Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Tokyo
3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo
153-8914 Japan


Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Reims (LMR) - UMR 9008 CNRS
U.F.R. Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
Moulin de la Housse - BP 1039
51687 REIMS Cedex 2

Phone : +81 3 5465 8345
Mail : .(at)univ-reims.fr

Research team:

Groups and Quantization

Research themes; key words:

Representation Theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras;
Branching problems and symmetry breaking;
Covariant quantization of symmetric spaces;
Formality and Kontsevich deformation quantization;
Non-commutative harmonic analysis.